Saturday, May 1, 2010

The night before the storm

What's up Push Mob fam,

I wanted to give you a quick heads up for things you might want to consider for tomorrows race.
  • Wear a windbreaker if you have one so the rain slides right off you
  • Don't wear anything white unless you want everyone to have a free show of your business
  • It would be a good idea to bring a change of clothes since were grabbing brunch after
  • A change of shoes would be a smart move since they will most likely be soaked by the end
  • Bring your cell phone so we can get a hold of you after the race.
  • If your taking the TTC make sure that your bus is running, it's a different Sunday schedule
  • Get atleast 7 hours sleep so get off Facebook and go to bed
  • Have a balanced meal atleast 1 hour before the race
  • Make sure you warm-up atleast 1/2 an hour before the race to prevent injuries
  • If you are doing the race and haven't let me know, get a hold of me (416-845-0497)

A little rain can't stop the Push Mob, Let's Go!

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